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Red Jasper Orgonite Pendant With Copper Coil Base - Orgone EMF Protection

Red Jasper Orgonite Pendant With Copper Coil Base - Orgone EMF Protection

  • 💥Red Jasper: Stability, Vitality, Endurance and Protection.
  • 🏆Beautifully crafted orgone pendant.
  • 💡RED JASPER is an ancient and sacred stone that has held meaning throughout dozens of cultures since the beginning of mankind. Quartz is known for its energy-enhancing properties - red jasper has a special fiery energy.
  • 🏆Hubbering makes effective orgonites each time and use the true method of creating orgonite.
  • 💡 Red Jasper is a form of chalcedony, which in turn is a form of quartz and can stabilize and energize our physical body.
  • Item

    Hubbering Red Jasper Orgonite Pendant

    At Hubbering, we pride ourselves in taking the utmost care in our research, which allows us to provide effective orgonites each time, every time. Using the true method of creating orgonite: 50/50 mix of resin and metal. 


    Crystals, precious and semi-precious stones, minerals, gold, color pigments and copper brings a new dimension to the orgonite. Much can be said about these individual items. They are naturally created and is commonly found in nature. 


    Nature has an almost automated healing power if we work with it and not against it. Electromagnetic waves are manmade and most certainly an unnatural source of energy received from electronic devices.


    Why make all this fuss about Orgonite?

    It has been proven time and time again that electromagnetic waves are harmful and can damage our bodies. Taking a closer look at this:

    - Electronics emit radiofrequency radiation. Parts of the body nearest to the emitted waves absorbs this energy.

    -The amount of technology devices has rapidly increased over the years. It's all energy that is being emitted. Orgonite Energy is where natural energy have an impact on man-made energy.

    - Orgone energy is where natural properties like metals, crystals, copper and minerals are compressed by resin. Electromagnetic energy is the power source that drives our technological lifestyle. Orgonite does not block electromagnetic waves but rather, it filters it. Orgonites have their own field of emitted energy that counters energy coming from manmade sources. In essence, orgonites reduces the intensity and therefore shields our bodies from a full onslaught of energy emitting from manmade devices.

Bringing  The  Balance

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